Summer Vibes


Product Weight:200g + 5g

Pack Including:Frozen Black Cherries . Apricots(Peach) . Bananas
Each pack comes with one pack – Choose one (Oats/Walnut/Honey/Almond/Chia or Pumpkin Seeds)

Product No:SC01


Did you know that an apricot has just 17 calories? Seriously! Not to mention, those sweet little packages are a good source of beta-carotene (nature‘s vitamin A), vitamin C, potassium, and fiber. With such a healthy profile, Apricot season is relatively brief; but keep frozen you can enjoy for 4 seasons stocking up and freezing any Apricot。Toss in a fistful or two of baby spinach. It changes the color, but not the taste. This Summer Vibes Smoothie comes together with just 3 fruits but Increase the weight +1 Health pack ingredients and is simple to make! Add all ingredients to the base of a blender. Blend on high for about a minute or until creamy and smooth. Add additional liquid as needed if your blender gets a little jammed. Serve and ENJOY!

SKU: SC01 Category:
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Chia Seeds


Pumpkin Seeds



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